Thursday, February 12, 2009


As of late I've had a lot of stress in my life. Between my MIL having surgery tomorrow, my dear friend and co-worker going on leave and also having surgery tomorrow, fighting with the husband, and just all the other stresses every day of meetings, paperwork, and trying to keep your head above water, stress has been beating me down. I've been trying to exercise more to help release those feelings and stretch out my shoulders so tension can't sit there, but boy it that easier to type than do. I've never been good at letting it all go. Most people find that talking about their stresses and identifying them helps. That doesn't help me at all. I could talk about them until the cows come home and the stress just sits like a big weight in my shoulders. I do think though that exercising is helping to relieve some of it. In doing the stretches when done, I can feel some of that tension easing. Not to say it doesn't come right back 10 minutes later but at least for that moment it feels really good. I found this quote and I think it's really true: Give your stress wings and let it fly away. ~Carin Hartness

By golly, I sure am going to try....but in the meantime a prayer or good thought for my MIL and dear friend would sure be appreciated.

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