Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No Meeting

Turns out it wasn't in the cards this week (or last) for us to have the discussion about how WW is not a diet but a lifestyle. The church where our meetings are held were having VBS so shuffled us upstairs where I guess it was extremely hot with no air conditioning so our meeting was canceled. Only did the weigh in and talked with various people as they came in and out. I lost 1.4 this past week.
Actually the topic of discussion is one I've had recently with a few people. Because I've now been doing this for 13 months, I feel it has become "easier" for me because I have made those changes and it's easier for me to say, "no thank you" than if you take the weight off quickly. If you take it off quick, it's MY OPINION that it is harder for you to continue to make those changes that are in fact a lifestyle change and not just a diet.
It's never easy regardless of how you do it. It's something you have to continue to work at every day. But I'm doing it.


Crafty Jenn said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog to enter my BLOG CANDY and for deciding to follow.

What an amazing journey you've had! Great accomplishment. My mom is doing the same with WW. She's lost almost 70 pounds!

She find great bargains at Goodwill or Value Village too. That's the way to go when you just keep losing the weight.

Kiip up the good work girl!!

Michelle said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog! It's so great to meet you - I can't wait to catch up on your blogs and get to know you better!