Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Feels like I'm Stuck

This week I lost .8 of a pound. Yes, I know it's a loss. Yes, it now brings me to 130 pounds lost since the end of last June. Yet, I feel stuck. A few weeks ago I went backward rather substantially, and I can't seem to get back to where I was and that was weeks ago. I feel like a big blob lately. Tonight I was looking at a shirt in my new size XL and I really liked the shirt. I put it back though because I convinced myself it would never fit. Lately I feel the 3x size again. I'm really not sure what is going on . I'm still watching what I eat and staying on plan like I always have. I even added exercising this week since we walked a few days, I cleaned and I also cleaned the pool for a few hours last night. I just feel like I'm not moving. I've increased my fruits and veggies this summer so I know I'm meeting all my daily requirements. I also have tried harder to also make sure I'm drinking my water.
It's frustrating. Yes, I know it will pass, but I'm not a patient person. LOL I just want to see the scale going down a bit more than .8 in a week!

1 comment:

Snowmanlover said...

Thanks for the sweet post on my blog! Good luck with the weight loss. Barb