Monday, March 8, 2010

Uncle George

Yesterday afternoon, I got word that my Uncle George had passed away about 15 minutes before that.  He's been in the hospital since before Emma was born.  In fact, hubby and I had gone and visited with him in the ICU the day Emma was born.  He was sitting up in the chair away from the bed, and had finished eating.  He didn't have any wires or machines attached to him.  In fact, if you'd have asked me, I'd have said he would have gone home in 2 days if that.  I joked with him that the next time I saw him I didn't want it to be that way since we had to put gowns and masks on.  I never dreamed that the next time I saw him would be his funeral.
We've had a lot of death in my family this past year.  Uncle George had turned 82 the day before he died.  Yes, I know he lived a full life and I'm comforted with the fact that he had great faith in his life and he's been welcomed by our Lord with open arms.  Somehow, it still doesn't take away the pain of knowing he's gone.  He's been the one my entire life that we've gone to with any electrical or plumbing problem.  He's fixed a good many things here in my home.  I remember 20 years ago when we got married that when we bought our furniture, we got a free gas grill.  It was it was easy assembly.  Well, many hours later, I think Uncle George and my hubby begged to differ.
My Uncle George has always been a very important part of my life.  He always had a smile and a quick chuckle for us growing up. He was a quiet, gentle man who I love very much.  Heaven got one of its best with his arrival.

1 comment:

Melissa S said...

My heart and prayers are with you.