Hello! How are you? ::::tapping the mic hoping I'm not talking to myself::::
Surgery went OK. I had the end of the collarbone shaved off and a bone spur removed with some other cleaning out I believe. I had a HORRIBLE time after surgery though. They had given me morphine which I don't tolerate well and I was extremely nauseous all day. Every time I moved I felt sick. The following days have been tolerable with my pain meds although I'm trying hard not to take them until I absolutely need to. I was able to take the bandages off on Easter Sunday and unfortunately that made me sick and I missed church. I've been trying to not push myself too hard so it can heal some. Just straightening out my arm is very painful. Most of the time I have my sling on. I went back to work today and although there were no students, it was an extremely long day. I'm sitting with ice on as I type and I did take my percocet so if I make no sense, chalk it up to the drugs! hehe I started physical therapy yesterday. OUCH! Trying to make my family understand I still can't take of Emma on my own and can't cook and do everything they are used to me doing has been the difficult thing. Thank goodness for my parents who do understand. My Dad even came today to get Emma out of her carseat and my Mom is coming tomorrow to do the same for me and stay in the evening since the kids both work and hubby has bocce.
I'm going to miss my demo meeting the first weekend of May since we'll be in WV that day but I decided to participate in the card swap so I can see all the great cards my sisters come up with. My card is almost finished since I wanted it all done before my surgery. I'm hoping to take a picture and post a few pictures in the next week of some things I've done recently. Cross our fingers.
Lastly, WW is having it's annual Walk-It Challenge and Kelly has emailed me that she's organizing a walk on Sunday, May 22 at Penn Middle. It's at 9:30 a.m. and a 5k. No entry fee. Just show up and walk. Amy's sister's baby shower is that day that I'm helping throw but I'm hoping to at least stop and say hi if not walk with everyone. Please join if you can. It's a good time with good people!
One day at a time.......
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