Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday's questions

1. What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?  The year my husband gave me diamond earrings before we were married.  The reason was more that he was so romantic and hid them in a jewelry cleaner box.  He's never been one much for romance so it's always been one of my favorites.

2. Worst/Funniest White Elephant gift ever received?  I've never been part of a White Elephant thing and I'm not even really sure I know what it is.  I DO know though that last year after I'd been at goal weight the girl who had me in gift exchange went to the thrift store and bought the largest bra she could find and boy did she glam it up shall we say.  Let's also say the person I have in the gift exchange this year should expect to see that beautiful bra in one of their packages.  LOL

3. Is your Christmas tree plain and simple (white lights and matching ornaments) or is it wild and crazy (colored lights with lots of ornaments collected over the years)?  We just bought a new tree and it HAD to be multi colored.  Do you know how difficult it is to find one of those prelit that has a decent amount of lights on it???  My ornaments are mostly hallmark ones we've bought through the years for one another and the new shatterproof ones I bought last year because of Emma.  This year she seems to have taken a liking to taking the ornaments off the tree. 

4. "How" do you iron your clothes? The old fashioned iron/ironing board way, the shower, back in the dryer, etc.  Old fashioned iron.  It's permanently set up in our basement and we iron as we go.  My husband irons better than I do!

5. How much baking do you do for Christmas and what are your "must make" items? (I'm looking for recipes here, peeps...)  The past few years I quit baking.  With being on Weight Watchers I didn't need that extra temptation around because with being off work the week after Christmas I KNEW who would be eating anything I baked.  

So that's our fun for this week.  Please play along and go to My Little Life for the questions and to link your blog into a bunch of others.  Fun Stuff!

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