Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Such a headache!

3 days now of a sinus headache that comes and goes throughout the day is enough to make a person scream.  Add some stress to it (who doesn't have that) and you're close to a migraine at times.  I go back to the doctor on Monday so maybe she will have some suggestions for me.  The weather is constantly changing lately with a lot of rain so that doesn't help.

Went to my WW meeting last night.  Unfortunately, I missed my favorite meeting of the year.  It's when Kelly gives us a plate and we decide what we'll have for Thanksgiving dinner.  It's always helped me plan ahead of time for my dinner that day and stay in control..  So this year let's hope I've learned my lesson from the past.
WW is rolling out a new program on the 29th of this month.  All Kelly can say is that it's the biggest change ever for WW but she thinks I will like it.  So now I'm excited because although I can be resistant to change, I'm looking forward to this to recharge my batteries so I can take off this last 10 pounds I'd like to lose.  That way I'll also have a little leeway in my goal to not having to worry each month about being too close to it at weigh in.  So we'll see what the end of the month brings!

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