Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Questions

1. How often do you shave your legs in the winter?  Whenever I get the urge.  Not so often that should read.  I used to do better about it...this year I just don't seem to care.

2. Valentine's Day cards for your spouse: funny or romantic?  Funny.  I'm not a real mushy type person

3. What are you most looking forward to about spring?  Warm weather!!!  I hate the cold.  I've seen enough snow (even though it has hardly snowed this winter) and I just want it to be warm so I can go outside and go for a walk.

4. What's your favorite way to pamper yourself?  I don't do this...well, I guess getting my hair done now with Lisa coloring it instead of doing it myself is a pampering.  I love the highlights she puts in.  I'm trying to let it grow a bit for the wedding next year because I have no idea what I'll do with it but I'm definitely having growing pains.

5. Does your tax return go into savings or do you spend it instantly?  Savings.  Usually for vacation but this year it will go in savings for the wedding.

So my 1st week at WW I got on my scale that morning and was totally disgusted because it said I'd only lost like .2 and I was like what the heck!  I'm tracking (using my phone) and following the plan completely with my food points.  OK so I don't exercise but that's nothing new.  Anyhow, got to WW meeting and weighed in and lost 1.4.  Better than I thought but rather disappointing since I was just back to doing it.  However, I guess I need to remember that although it was my first official week, I had been counting points since the beginning of Jan. and my first week I'd lost 5 pounds.  It's hard work and I just want the excess weight to be gone and need to realize it didn't come overnight so it can't be gone overnight.  

Hope you're having a good weekend and here's the link if you'd like to go get the questions above to play along.  My Little Life

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